Conference History

The 10th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2020)
Oct. 25th-28th, 2020, Online Conference(Microsoft Teams)
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 at the later 2019 and for the safety of our participants, CECNet2020 has changed to held online during October 25-28, 2020. For CECNet2020 Online conference, about 40 oral presentations are delivered to exchange the new findings with the areas of Electronics Technology, Sensors Networks and Network Security & Signal Processing and Data Processing.
Oct. 25th-28th, 2020, Online Conference(Microsoft Teams)
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 at the later 2019 and for the safety of our participants, CECNet2020 has changed to held online during October 25-28, 2020. For CECNet2020 Online conference, about 40 oral presentations are delivered to exchange the new findings with the areas of Electronics Technology, Sensors Networks and Network Security & Signal Processing and Data Processing.

The 9th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2019)
Oct. 18th-21st, 2019, Kitakyushu City, Japan
With the great support of Saga University, CECNet2019 has been held successfully in Kitakyushu City, Japan. About 70 participants from 10 countries come to attend the conference and share the latest research findings in their areas. 50 papers have been published in Conference Proceedings of CECNet 2019 by IOS Press, CPCI, Scopus, etc.; More than 30 papers are recommended to journal for publication.
Oct. 18th-21st, 2019, Kitakyushu City, Japan
With the great support of Saga University, CECNet2019 has been held successfully in Kitakyushu City, Japan. About 70 participants from 10 countries come to attend the conference and share the latest research findings in their areas. 50 papers have been published in Conference Proceedings of CECNet 2019 by IOS Press, CPCI, Scopus, etc.; More than 30 papers are recommended to journal for publication.

The 8th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2018)
Nov. 16th-19th, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
With the great support of Rangsit university, CECNet2018 has been held successfully in Bangkok. About 70 participants from 14 countries come to attend the conference and share the latest research findings in their areas. 50 papers have been published in IOS Book Series and Indexed by Ei Compendex, CPCI, Scopus, etc.; More than 30 papers are recommended to journal for publication.
Nov. 16th-19th, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
With the great support of Rangsit university, CECNet2018 has been held successfully in Bangkok. About 70 participants from 14 countries come to attend the conference and share the latest research findings in their areas. 50 papers have been published in IOS Book Series and Indexed by Ei Compendex, CPCI, Scopus, etc.; More than 30 papers are recommended to journal for publication.

The 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2017)
Nov. 24th-27th, 2017, Hualien, Taiwan, China
Based on the successful practices of the past six events, it provided an extensive platform for scientists, researchers and scholars to present and share their research results in the fields of electronics technology, wireless communications engineering and technology, computer engineering and technology., Selected papers of CECNet2017 have been sent to IOS Conference Series and related SCI and EI indexed journals.
Nov. 24th-27th, 2017, Hualien, Taiwan, China
Based on the successful practices of the past six events, it provided an extensive platform for scientists, researchers and scholars to present and share their research results in the fields of electronics technology, wireless communications engineering and technology, computer engineering and technology., Selected papers of CECNet2017 have been sent to IOS Conference Series and related SCI and EI indexed journals.

The 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2016)
Dec. 11th-14th, 2016, Macau, China
Held in Macau University of Science and Technology with the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy System and Data Mining (FSDM2016), it received 150 submissions and 50 participants from many countries, especially in Asia countries. Besides, CECNet2016 has got strong support from MACAO CONVENTION & EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION.
Dec. 11th-14th, 2016, Macau, China
Held in Macau University of Science and Technology with the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy System and Data Mining (FSDM2016), it received 150 submissions and 50 participants from many countries, especially in Asia countries. Besides, CECNet2016 has got strong support from MACAO CONVENTION & EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION.

The 5th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2015)
Dec. 12th-15th, 2015, Shanghai, China
Supported by Wuhan University and Hubei University of Science and Technology, it has been held successfully in conjunction with the 1st International Conference on Fuzzy System and Data Mining (FSDM2015) in Shanghai. More than 60 papers accepted in conference proceedings and have been published in Springer Nature in the book series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE).
Dec. 12th-15th, 2015, Shanghai, China
Supported by Wuhan University and Hubei University of Science and Technology, it has been held successfully in conjunction with the 1st International Conference on Fuzzy System and Data Mining (FSDM2015) in Shanghai. More than 60 papers accepted in conference proceedings and have been published in Springer Nature in the book series: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE).

The 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2014)
Dec.12th-15th, 2014, Beijing, China
About 100 participants from more than 20 countries are getting together in Beijing, a great city with rich culture and history to accomplish the academic exchange. More than 50 papers accepted in conference proceedings of CECNet2014 and have been published in Springer Book Series-LNEE (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, LNEE Forthcoming Proceedings).
Dec.12th-15th, 2014, Beijing, China
About 100 participants from more than 20 countries are getting together in Beijing, a great city with rich culture and history to accomplish the academic exchange. More than 50 papers accepted in conference proceedings of CECNet2014 and have been published in Springer Book Series-LNEE (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, LNEE Forthcoming Proceedings).

The 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2013)
Nov. 20th-22th, 2013, Xianning, Hubei, China
Supported by Hubei University of Science and Technology, CECNet2013 has been held successfully in Xianning, during Nov. 20th-22th, 2013. More Than 100 participants come to share the newest researches in the conference. About 500 accepted papers in CECNet2013 were successfully included in IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex in 3 months after the conference.
Nov. 20th-22th, 2013, Xianning, Hubei, China
Supported by Hubei University of Science and Technology, CECNet2013 has been held successfully in Xianning, during Nov. 20th-22th, 2013. More Than 100 participants come to share the newest researches in the conference. About 500 accepted papers in CECNet2013 were successfully included in IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex in 3 months after the conference.

The 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2012)
Apr. 21st-23rd, 2012, Yichang, Hubei, China
Sponsored by IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, Xianning University, Oriental Institute of Technology (Taiwan), Kun Shan University (Taiwan), Ming Chuan University (Taiwan), Chung Chou Institute of Technology (Taiwan), National Chi Nan University (Taiwan) and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology(Taiwan), over 200 participants including keynote speakers, oral speakers and listeners from many countries come to exchange the most recent scientific and technological advances and to strengthen the links in the scientific community.
Apr. 21st-23rd, 2012, Yichang, Hubei, China
Sponsored by IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, Xianning University, Oriental Institute of Technology (Taiwan), Kun Shan University (Taiwan), Ming Chuan University (Taiwan), Chung Chou Institute of Technology (Taiwan), National Chi Nan University (Taiwan) and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology(Taiwan), over 200 participants including keynote speakers, oral speakers and listeners from many countries come to exchange the most recent scientific and technological advances and to strengthen the links in the scientific community.
The International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2011)
Apr. 16th-18th, 2011, Xianning, Hubei, China
The 1st International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet2011) has got support from IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Xianning University, Nan Jeon Institute of Technology(Taiwan), Shandong University, Kun Shan University (Taiwan), Chung Chou Institute of Technology(Taiwan), National Taiwan Ocean University(Taiwan), Jun-Horng Chen, Oriental Institute of Technology(Taiwan), Feng Chia University(Taiwan), Shao Yang University and Chongqing Technology and Business University.
Apr. 16th-18th, 2011, Xianning, Hubei, China
The 1st International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet2011) has got support from IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Xianning University, Nan Jeon Institute of Technology(Taiwan), Shandong University, Kun Shan University (Taiwan), Chung Chou Institute of Technology(Taiwan), National Taiwan Ocean University(Taiwan), Jun-Horng Chen, Oriental Institute of Technology(Taiwan), Feng Chia University(Taiwan), Shao Yang University and Chongqing Technology and Business University.